TD Hall of Shame

The Hall of Shame recognizes individuals, often politicians, whom TD deems as the most egregious abusers of the taxpayer-funded DROP program. These individuals, driven by greed, refuse to settle for a five-year pension cash bonus and shamelessly exploit their public positions to secure an eight-year pension bonus, either actively pursuing it, plotting to do so, or already having obtained significant taxpayer-funded pension bonuses.

These politicians blatantly disregard their contractual obligations to retire/resign as a condition of receiving pension cash bonuses, instead seeking special exemptions. Unlike others, these individuals no longer pay into the pension program even though they are still working.

Stay tuned as we continue to uncover and expose more greedy politicians who exploit the system for immense pension cash bonuses, often in the millions.

While an simple three year extension may not sound like much, the three year extension effectively doubles the payout benefits for these abusers. Cash bonuses regularly exceed seven figures and the yearly pensions balloon into the the hundreds of thousands of dollars.


If you know of other taxpayer-abusive and wasteful TrippleDipper programs, please contact us and join our email list to be notified of important news and new reports.

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