Michigan GOP seeks lobbying, finance reforms after Lee Chatfield scandal
Campaign Money Sunshine and Lobbyist Reforms Needed

Photo by Michigan GOP

LANSING — Michigan House Republicans are renewing their push for stronger ethics laws on public records requests, lobbying and campaign finance — efforts fueled by allegations of sexual assault and misuse of political funds against former House Speaker Lee Chatfield.

House Republicans unveiled a slew of reform measures this week to require more disclosure from public agencies, restrict lobbyists from spending on elected officials and legislative staffers and ban campaigns from paying incumbents, staffers, candidates and their families.

“We need to restore some level of trust in this institution that has been lost,” House Oversight Committee Chair Steve Johnson, R-Wayland, told Bridge Michigan. “It’s incumbent on us, if we want to better serve our constituents, we need to show them in some tangible ways steps we are taking to make sure that there is not widespread corruption.”
