Angela Vick
Citrus County Clerk Triple Dipper

Triple Dipper Angela Vick Citrus County Clerk

Angela Vick, Citrus County Clerk is a Triple Dipping Queen: taking a $123,114 salary plus $30,344 in benefits and a $399,884 pension at the same time to do the same job! Angela Vick is not paying 3% of salary ($3,716) into the Florida Retirement System like every other Florida Public Employee.

As a Cherry on the top, Angela Vick first started working for the Clerk’s office in 1990 and will be cashing out 34 years of unused vacation, sick and personal days at her highest pay, not the pay when days off were earned—taking more money from Taxpayers and artificially boosting her final year’s pay on which Angela Vick’s pension is based on.

Sneaky Angela Vick didn’t tell voters in 2020 that she signed a contract on July 1, 2020, to retire on January 8, 2025, when Angela Vick will collect a $399,884 pension cash bonus . Florida Politicians and Public Employees who want to collect a paycheck and pension at the same time to do the same job must sign a Resignation of Employment (Form DP-ELE) to participate in the Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP) Triple Dippers.

Breaking her promise for accountability and transparency , Angela Vick asked for special permission to hide her name from Public Records Requests seeking her taxpayer paid salary, convention, and benefits documents. Angela Vick doesn’t believe Florida’s Government Sunshine laws apply to her. The average Citrus County Resident must work over 17 years to make Angela Vick’s Retirement Cash Bonus of $399,884. Vick’s outrageous annual benefit package of $30,344 is higher than the average income of $23,495 of a Citrus County resident.

But the taxpayer paid $399,884 pension cash bonus may not be enough for Triple Dipper Clerk Angela Vick. Unless Angela Vick is defeated in the 2024 election, Angela Vick can break her promise to retire on January 8, 2025. Triple Dippers School Superintendent Sandra Himmel collected a $409,708 pension cash bonus and Tax Collector Janice Warren collected a $246,070 cash pension bonus, then broke their contract to retire. Angela Vick could petitioned for and will get a special politician’s permission to continue collecting her huge $123,884 salary and avoid paying 3% of salary ($3,716 a year) into the Florida Retirement System until Angela Vick’s future election term expires on 12-31-2028. Will Angela Vick promise, in writing, to not request the special politician permission to break her promise to retire on January 8, 2025, in exchange for her $399,884 pension cash bonus?

DROP Triple Dippers like Angela Vick pay nothing of her taxpayer paid salary into the Florida Pension. But Taxpayers pay 18.34% of her salary to the Florida Retirement system and 7.65% Social Security = 25.99% 0f Vick’s salary $123,884 = $31,997 a year and climbing higher! Florida taxpayers are on the hook for $36 Billion in unfunded Public Employee Pension system, a $1,652 liability for every man, woman and child in Florida.

After retiring for the second time as Citrus Clerk on January 8, 2025, as Vick promised to retire as a condition to receiving the $399,884 cash pension bonus, Angela Vick will continue receiving approximately $850,000 each year in taxpayer paid pension plus retiree health care. The statewide sortable list of 29,719 Florida Triple Dippers is at

How many vacation homes, fancy cars, gourmet meals and vacations does one person really need? How much of the taxpayer paid $399,884 pension cash bonus, if any, will Vick promise, in writing, to give to charity? Taxpayers agree that Angela Vick’s $399,884 cash pension bonus should have gone to pay tutors for Citrus County Students. $399,884/ $13.25/hour = 30,180 tutoring hours for school children to be job and college ready in Citrus County

Contact your County Commissioners, State Legislators and Governor to ban future Triple Dipping, require current Triple Dippers to pay 3% of salary into the Florida Pension System, limit cashing out of unused days to salary when days were earned, and prohibit Politicians from breaking their contracts to resign after 5 years of Triple Dipping.

If you know of other taxpayer-abusive and wasteful TrippleDipper programs, please contact us and join our email list to be notified of important news and new reports.

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