FLORIDA Cash Outs January 2023
This statewide list includes public employees in Florida who have their SECOND retirement and receive their cash bonus this month.
$84 Million in cash bonuses will be paid out in January 2023 to 663 retired Florida bureaucrats thereby taking tax money from schools, roads, and tax cuts. The top bonus for the month is $763,622 and goes to Juan Garrandes. The average bonus amount is $120,690.
January 2023 Baker’s Dozen Taxpayer Abusers
Contact: Dave Jaye, Researcher | 586-488-5177 | dave.jaye55@gmail.com
Statewide, 663 Florida Politicians and Bureaucrats who filed fake retirement paperwork are taking $83.7 Million in pension Cash bonuses this January 2023. The Highest January 2023 Fake Pension Cash Bonus Payout is $763,622 to an Employee with the Miami Dade Fire Department. 11 Politician Judges took pension cash bonuses between $627,421 and $535,260. “Triple Dippers are ‘Public Servants’ who take a salary and a pension with interest at the same time to do the same job!” said Dave Jaye, Researcher, www.tripledippers.org “ Triple Dippers are the only Florida Public employees who don’t pay 3% of their salary into the Florida retirement system-cheating taxpayers out of $62.8 Million! No private company allows such abuses.” See the Statewide list of Florida’s Triple Dippers at https://tripledippers.org/fl-cash-outs-January-2022/
Add the Cherry on the top – these Triple Dippers are cashing out their unused days off at their final highest salary, not the salary when the days were earned taking more money from taxpayers and artificially increasing the final year’s pay on which their pensions are calculated. Collecting a paycheck and a pension at the same time, Triple Dippers can afford to delay Social Security which then increases 8% per year to age 70. That’s about a 40% increase in Social Security payments! Triple Dippers are formally called the Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP).
Instead of giving overpaid bureaucrats and politicians more money, use our tax money to help 10,000 people left homeless due to Hurricane Ian[1] and Hurricane Nicole’s destruction[2] “Giving “Public Servants” a paycheck and a pension at the same time to do the same job has led to $36 Billion in unfunded Florida Retirement obligations, a $1,675 liability for every man, and woman and child in Florida[3]! This abuse of taxpayers must stop.”
[1] https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2079623235780#:~:text=The%20magnitude%20of%20Hurricane%20Ian’s,millions%20more%20still%20without%20power
[2] https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/10/weather/hurricane-nicole-florida-thursday
[3] https://alec.org/publication/unaccountable-and-unaffordable-2020/
“Although they never really retired, approximately 27,581 Florida Public Employees and Politicians just file paperwork pretending to retire but keep on working and pocket approximately $1 Billion in salaries and $4.63 Billion in pension payments at the same time to do the same job and are the only Florida Public employees who don’t pay 3% of their salary into the Pension System,” stated Dave Jaye. “No Retirement Party, No Speeches, No Gold Watch, and No break in Employment! This scheme to rip off taxpayers was approved by Florida Government Entities by a majority vote from Mosquito Districts to Cities, Counties, Schools, Universities, the State Legislature, and the Governor. These Public Employees in conjunction with their supervisors are perpetrating fraud. The Public Manager or Politician simply signs off on the Fake retirement. If the paperwork is in order that’s good enough. Even though the public employee and Politician never really left their job”.
“Hurricane Ian destroyed the financial security of thousands of Florida retirees whose life savings were invested in houses and condos lost to the storm’s winds and flooding”[1], said Dave Jaye, Researcher, tripledippers.org “Hurricane Ian has displaced thousands of Floridians whose homes are now uninhabitable, taking not only their shelter but their financial safety nets.“ Replacing the approximately 27,581 Statewide over-the-hill retired Triple Dippers with freshly educated and trained employees would save approximately 40% around $902.8 Million” stated Dave Jaye.
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